The Power of the Yin
Daven Lee
You know you carry a special power inside you.
This power is different from the one we have become accustomed to.
It is not coercive, dominating or exploitive.
It is not based on scarcity or the illusion of limitation.

This is a power in harmony with nature and life itself.
It is a healing and creative power: timeless and abundant, subtle, and often unseen.
When you open to this power,
it transforms your life
and brings change to the world.
In a world where the yang has been overvalued for its emphasis on competition, linear thinking, action and immediate results, the sensitive, creative and intuitive among us suffer, becoming exhausted, sick, and traumatized.
You can sense that there is another way, a deeper power within trying to emerge.
But sometimes it doesn't feel safe or trustworthy.
This power can feel destabilizing, overwhelming and mysterious.
You haven't been conditioned to understand, cultivate and embody this kind of power.
Instead you've been trained to see it as weak, irrational and insubstantial.
How do you begin to access a power
that is ineffable and centered in the body,
both ancient and emergent?
I’m Daven Lee.
My work, The Power of the Yin, answers this question.
Going slow.
Listening deeply.
Trusting the unknown.
Staying grounded in the earth and centered in the body.
As I guide and teacher, I work one-to-one or in small groups guiding sensitive, intuitive clients to trust the knowing of their bodies, the wisdom of their desires, and the power of their gifts.
The Power of the Yin is the synthesis of my unique vision of healing, heath and thriving together with a new paradigm of embodied leadership with a spiritual center.
The Power of the Yin is for all genders, creatives, leaders, entrepreneurs, lovers, partners, healers, coaches, parents, elders, couples, spiritual seekers and YOU.
The tools are practical and embodied, subtle and powerful, like the yin itself.
Work with me.
Illustrations © D. Yael Bernhard
The Body
Get grounded in the earth and centered in your body. Sensitivity & somatic wisdom live here. The body is your vehicle, vessel, instrument, channel.
Feel the presence and quality of your energy and discover what it means. Learn to cultivate your energy, using it with presence, wisdom & right action.
Access your intuition and the invisible world. Open to guides & guidance and dance with mystery. Connect to Source and discover that you are not alone.
Step into the freedom of your true power as you become fully expressed as your authentic self. From this place your unique gifts pour forth into the waiting world.
Wondering if the Power of the Yin is for you?
Schedule a FREE Soul-Listening Session with me and let’s find out.